On August 7, 2019, the Hopi Tribal Council enacted the Hopi Education
Code by a nearly unanimous vote. The Hopi Education Code creates a new Hopi School System which unifies all seven
of Hopi’s Tribally Controlled Schools:
Moencopi Day School (MDS)
Hotevilla Bacavi Community School (HBCS)
Hopi Day School (HDS)
Second Mesa Day School (SMDS)
First Mesa Elementary School (FMES)
Keams Canyon Elementary School (KCES)
Hopi Junior Senior High School (HJSHS).
The Hopi School System will be led by a Hopi Board of Education (HBE), which will be organized as a Tribal Regulated Entity to provide administrative and educational leadership for Hopi's Schools. After two attempts to hold an election did not produce enough candidates, the Hopi Tribal Council appointed the following six members to the HBE, and the HBE selected
a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson:
LeRoy Shingoitewa, Chairperson
Ronya Talayumptewa-Peshlakai, Vice-Chairperson
Robyn Kayquoptewa
Merwin Kooyahoema
Sophia Quotskuyva.
Through consultations with Hopi schools, communities and the Transition Team, the HBE will set education policies and procedures and oversee the operations of all Tribally Controlled Schools on the Hopi Reservation.
The HBE will hire and supervise the Chief School Administrator (CSA) who will serve as the Chief Operating Officer and administrative leader of the Hopi School System, Central Administration Office, and all other offices and departments of the Hopi School System.
The Central Administration Office will provide administrative services
to all Hopi schools. Principals will have day-to-day management authority over their local schools and implement education policies established by the HBE.
A new local school board will be elected by each attendance area to advise the HBE on local schools issues, recommend hiring of personnel, increase community and parental engagement, and advise other local school matters.
To assist with the transition to the unified Hopi School System, the Hopi Tribal Council created a "Transition Team" of over 40 Hopi education teachers, staff, and professionals. These experts in their field will advise the HBE and other stakeholders on policy and procedure development, initial hiring decisions, curriculum design, and school needs and priorities.