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May 27, 2024


Has the Hopi Board of Education's (HBE) grant application been denied, and have the factors raised in Bureau of Indian Education’s (BIE) June 5, 2023 letter still an issue?

  • No.  The Bureau of Indian Education’s June 5, 2023 letter originally denying HBE’s application and the factors raised in that letter was overturned on December 18, 2023, and sent back to BIE for a final decision.


Is the Transition to the Hopi School System still occurring since the grant application was not approved by the Transition date of July 1, 2023? 

  • Yes.   The HBE and the Transition Team completed ALL required tasks by the July 1, 2023 transition date.  The only task that remains is for the BIE to issue the final decision on HBE’s application, but HBE cannot direct when BIE must issue its decision.  To ensure clarity to stakeholders, HBE has submitted a proposed resolution to the Hopi Tribal Council to make clear that the Transition will continue until BIE issues its decision on HBE’s grant application.  


When will the Hopi Board of Education become Hopi schools’ governing board?

  • If the Bureau of Indian Education approves HBE’s grant, HBE will become the governing board for the schools and the Hopi School System on July 1, 2024.


Is HBE ready to become the school board for Hopi schools?

  • Yes.  HBE is ready to become the school board for Hopi’s seven schools.  HBE worked closely with the Transition Team (which includes the school principals and dozens of school staff) to submit a 500-page grant application to the Bureau of Indian Education demonstrating that HBE is experienced, has detailed transition plans in place, and is ready to oversee the schools.

  • HBE more than satisfied all grant requirements of the Tribally Controlled Schools Act, has approved a full set of Policies and Procedures covering all aspects of school operations which are based on the schools’ current policies and procedures, and has detailed Action Plans and a Transition Handbook ready to implement the transition.


What will happen to the local school boards after the grant is approved?  Can school board members decide if they want to serve on the advisory local school board?

  • After the grant is approved, each local school board will become an advisory board to assist their school with local school matters.  Each school board member can decide for him/herself if they want to serve on the local school boards.


Will the Hopi Tribe take over the schools?

  • No.  When the Bureau of Indian Education approves the Hopi School System grant, the Hopi Board of Education will become the school board and will oversee school operations and funds.  The Hopi Tribe will maintain the same oversight function it has now, but the Hopi School System will be its own independent school system.

  • The Hopi Education Code specifically states that the Hopi Tribe will not have access to or control over school funds.


If BIE approves the HBE grant application, when will the transition to the unified Hopi School System begin and how will staff be hired?

  • For the 2024/2025 school year:   All Hopi schools will largely operate the same as they are now.  Schools will do the hiring and enter contracts for 2024/2025.  HBE will honor all contracts and staff who are hired by the local school boards.  School staff will remain in their jobs.   Schools will use their existing administrative services, staff and curriculum.

  • For the 2025/2026 school year:  The full transition to the Hopi School System will take place with a uniform curriculum, HBE will do the staff hiring, and the Central Administration Office will provide administrative services to all schools so schools can focus on quality educational services.  HBE values and wants to maintain and grow our dedicated and qualified staff to provide quality education for our students.


What will be the standards and curriculum for Hopi schools?  Will Hopi language and culture be included?

  • Upon receiving the recommendation and analysis of the Transition Team and principals, HBE approved the Bureau of Indian Education academic standards for Hopi schools.  HBE has seated a Curriculum Committee, comprised of nine current Hopi school teachers (from pre-K to High School) to examine and recommend the best curriculum for Hopi schools.  Both are scheduled to begin in the 2025/2026 school year.  HBE will also oversee development of a Hopi language and culture for all Hopi schools.  


How will school budgets be determined?

  • For 2024/2025 school year, budgets will be determined by the local school boards.  For the 2025/2026 school year, budgets will be determined by the HBE after receiving recommendations from the local school boards and principals on their needs. 


Will school staff salaries change? 

  • For 2024/2025 school year, staff salaries will remain as they are now according to the schools’ and employees’ 2024/2025 contracts.

  • For 2025/2026 school year, HBE will create a single salary scale to equalize salaries across all Hopi schools.  The schools have already provided their salary scales to HBE, and HBE is carefully studying ways to ensure staff salaries will not go down and to keep our valuable employees.


Who will determine HBE’s board pay?  

  • The stipend payments for the HBE are set forth in the Hopi Education Code.  They are set at $100 per meeting per HBE member. 


What will happen with current strategic plans the schools may have?

  • HBE appreciates schools who have developed strategic plans for their school’s improvement and future.  HBE looks forward to reviewing these plans and incorporating them into the overall strategic plan for the unified Hopi School System.  

What information is available on the transition for parents, staff and stakeholders?  

  • For updates on the transition, HBE issues Fact Sheets & Updates, a Transition Handbook, and Action Plans.  These and other information are available on the HSS website,, and on the Hopi School System’s Facebook page.

  • HBE will also email information directly to parent organizations, the principals, school boards, and villages and deliver hand-outs to schools and request they be distributed. 

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